Welcome to Vote Out the Incumbent

We are dedicated to encouraging courage, broadening representation, fostering accountability, and refreshing leadership. Our mission is to empower individuals to make informed decisions and drive positive change in their communities.

Why should we?

Our Plan

Our goal is to change the way people think of their politicians and what politicians think of their constituents.

Community Engagement

We want to foster community engagement by focusing on building strong connections between candidates and their constituents to create a positive impact on the community.

Frequently Asked Questions

This is a new site so no questions have been asked yet.

Contact us

Get in touch with us today and let's work together to create meaningful change.


Vote out the Incumbent
Kansas City, Missouri, United States

About us: Uniting for the Greater Good

A Call for Collaboration

In a world where division seems to be the norm, there exists a small but mighty group of individuals who dare to defy the status quo. We at Vote Out the Incumbent are a community that firmly believes in the power of unity. We understand that strength lies not in our differences, but in our ability to come together as one. In today's polarized society, the far right and the far left often dominate the conversation. Their voices, though loud, do not represent the majority. But here's the truth: the extremes, like squeaky wheels, may get the attention, but they do not pave the path forward. It is only through collaboration and compromise that true progress can be achieved. It's not about sacrificing our values; it's about recognizing that our collective well-being is worth more than our individual differences.

Vote Out the Incumbent invites you to join us in our mission to bridge the divide. Together, we can build a society where every voice is heard, every perspective respected, and every individual valued. Because when we stand together, we are unstoppable.

Join Vote Out the Incumbent today, and let's make the world a better place, one collaboration at a time.